AIP Garlic Mayo Recipe - Hollywood Homestead (2024)

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AIP Garlic Mayo Recipe - Hollywood Homestead (2)

Hooray! The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook by Mickey Trescott is finally available in hardback! What makes this cookbook so special? Well, not only is it packed full of over 110 fantastic recipes which are 100% paleo, the recipes also adhere to the autoimmune protocol (AIP). That means no eggs, no nuts, no nightshades and no sneaky seed-based spices in addition to no grains and legumes of course. But trust me, this isn’t a cookbook which will make you feel like you are on a “diet.” These are recipes you will want to have on hand even if you aren’t doing AIP. The fact that these recipes heal your gut is just a nice bonus.

If you’ve been eating paleo for a while and still have some persisting symptoms you can’t quite figure out perhaps a 30 day autoimmune protocol will help you figure out if you’re reacting to a few foods. Mickey explains how to reintroduce foods after 30 days so you can figure out which foods are triggering symptoms for you.

What is the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol?

Approximately 50 million people in the US alone suffer from autoimmune diseases, and the numbers are only expected to rise. Modern medicine has been horrendously ineffective in dealing with autoimmune diseases and generally recommends a slew of medicines and pills rather than anything to treat the actual cause of the problem. What is the cause? In most cases, it all comes down to your gut. If your gut becomes damaged and inflamed, then particles of undigested food can pass into your bloodstream. Your immune system attacks these particles but you end up with food sensitivities. The scary thing is that these undigested food particles often resemble parts of your own body. In confusion, your immune system can end up attacking itself, which is what happens in the case of autoimmune diseases.

People with food sensitivities, leaky gut syndrome, or full-blown autoimmune diseases can heal their gut (and reduce or reverse their symptoms) by sticking to a Paleo Autoimmune Protocol diet with a focus on nutrient density.

On AIP, in addition to the foods we eliminate on a paleo diet, you will also need to temporarily remove these foods from your diet for at least 30 days and then reintroduce to see if your symptoms reoccur:

  • Eggs
  • Nightshades (veggies and spices)
  • Dairy
  • Nuts and seeds

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook Makes AIP Easy

Switching to a paleo diet seems like a big enough challenge for people coming off of the Standard American Diet. So, I can understand how overwhelming the AIP diet seems. That is what is so beautiful about Mickey’s cookbook. The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook has so many recipes, and they are suited for pretty much any situation in your life. Quick meals for a busy weeknight? Check. Gourmet-style meals for a fancy dinner party? Check. Nutritious meals that even your kids will like? Check.

I’m a girl who needs a treat every once in a while, so I was really excited to try all of the delicious AIP dessert recipes in the book, like the cinnamon ginger baked pears which are soooo easy to make.

Along with the 110+ recipes, The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook also has two different 4-week meal plans complete with shopping lists. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Well, actually, it does because Mickey also gives you lots of useful tips for making AIP go more smoothly. Did I mention that Mickey is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and personal chef? So, you are getting advice from a true pro. Mickey has personally helped me troubleshoot some health issues in the past and her insight is something I can personally vouch for. Mickey is also battling two autoimmune diseases (Celiac and Hashimotos Thyroiditis) so she knows exactly how important the autoimmune protocol is for healing.

The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook is available in hardcover. There is also an eBook version, but the hardcover is more comprehensive and has more recipes than the eBook. You can buy the Hardcover here or buy the eBook here.

To give you an idea of how great this cookbook is, here is a tasty sample she was kind enough to let me share with you!

Garlic Mayo Recipe (Paleo, AIP)

AIP Garlic Mayo Recipe - Hollywood Homestead (3)


  • ½ cup coconut concentrate (also known as coconut manna or coconut butter. You can buy it hereand Mickey also includes a recipe in her book for how to make it)
  • ½ cup filtered water, warm
  • ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 to 4 cloves garlic
  • ¼ teaspoons salt


1. Place all of the ingredients in a blender and blend on high for a minute or two, until a thick sauce forms (when freshly made, it should resemble the consistency of conventional mayonnaise).

2. If the sauce is too thick, thin with water until the desired consistency is reached.

*Note: In order to measure the coconut concentrate, it is best to soften it in a warm water bath before use as it is solid at room temperature.

Storage: Keeps well in the refrigerator, but hardens. Let come to room temperature or warm to soften before serving.

See the cookbook for serving suggestions!

Get your copy of The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbookhere.

AIP Garlic Mayo Recipe - Hollywood Homestead (2024)


Is garlic OK on AIP diet? ›

Garlic. Another food I recommend you add to your AIP diet is garlic. Garlic is a prebiotic, so it feeds good bacteria in your gut. This can be helpful if you're suffering from an autoimmune disease because your gut and your immune system link together.

Are bananas OK on AIP diet? ›

Examples of foods you can eat while on the AIP diet include: Vegetables that aren't nightshade vegetables like cucumbers, spinach, sweet potatoes and zucchini. Fresh fruits like apples, oranges, mangos, strawberries, bananas and blueberries.

Is xanthan gum AIP compliant? ›

Guar gum comes from the endosperm of the guar bean and xantham gum is secreted by a bacteria called Xanthom*onas Camestris. Both guar gum and xantham gum have a high propensity for altering the gut microbiome and should be avoided on the autoimmune protocol.

Is Chia AIP compliant? ›

Grains, Grain-like Seeds & Gluten

In Core AIP, all grains, grain-like seeds, and gluten are eliminated including oats, wheat, chia, quinoa and rice. Modified AIP permits rice and pseudo-grains.

Can garlic trigger autoimmune disease? ›

(3) Garlic

Unfortunately, the enhancement of immune response is counterproductive in people with autoimmune disease such as lupus, because their immune system is already overactive. As a result, people with lupus and lupus-like signs should avoid cooking with garlic and adding it to food.

How do you use garlic as an anti-inflammatory? ›

As if wasn't already super nutritious and low in calories, garlic also offers anti-inflammatory benefits. Garlic contains diallyl disulfide an anti-inflammatory compound that limits the effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines. If you have sore and inflamed joints or muscles, you can rub them with garlic oil.

Is peanut butter OK for AIP? ›

The foods to avoid on the AIP diet include the following: Dairy products (including milk, cream, butter, yogurt, and cheese) Legumes (including beans, soybeans, peanuts, and lentils)

Can you have peanut butter on AIP? ›

The AIP Diet eliminates nuts, seeds, grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, food additives, nightshade family vegetables, and processed foods such as processed vegetable oils and processed sugars during the elimination phase of the diet.

Can you eat canned tuna on AIP diet? ›

Canned tuna in extra virgin olive oil, is one of those #bloodyfabulous, AIP-friendly pantry staples. It's an inexpensive and easy way to add more fish to your diet, even if you're not a the biggest fan of fish recipes (<– like me!)

Can you eat popcorn on AIP diet? ›

Corn should be avoided on autoimmune diets. For those of you who can enjoy corn, you may think microwave popcorn is a quick, healthy snack. Think again! Popcorn can also be loaded with chemicals.

Are chickpeas allowed on AIP diet? ›

During the elimination phase, the AIP diet recommends cutting out the following foods: Grains (wheat, oats, rice, corn, etc.) Legumes (lentils, black beans, chickpeas, green beans, etc.) Nuts, seeds, and seed-based spices (like mustard, cumin, sesame, etc.)

Is Stevia allowed on AIP? ›

Non-AIP compliant sugars

In general, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, and natural sweeteners that do not have calories (such as stevia) should be avoided, especially in the elimination phase of the AIP diet.

Are green beans OK on AIP? ›

Green beans are typically included in the paleo diet, but they should be avoided if you are currently in full elimination phase of the AIP or Autoimmune Protocol. They contain lectins and agglutinins, which are hard to digest, and they can compromise the lining of you guts.

What spices are not allowed on AIP? ›

What spices are NOT allowed on AIP?
  • Allspice.
  • Anise Seed.
  • Annatto Seed.
  • Black Caraway.
  • Black Cumin.
  • Black Pepper.
  • Caraway.
  • Cardamom.

Can I eat quinoa on AIP? ›

NO. The autoimmune diet excludes all grains and pseudo-grains. Hence quinoa would not comply. Best to eat vegetables, fruits, and meats (see below).

Can you have garlic and onion on AIP? ›

Onions and garlic are among the highest-FODMAP foods and are also among the most commonly used on AIP, because we rely so much on them for flavoring. Despite this, we don't eliminate these foods, because SIBO is not an issue across the board for those with autoimmune disease.

What seasonings are allowed on AIP? ›

First, a list of AIP herbs and spices you probably already know and don't need much explanation. You can still use basil, bay leaves, chives, cilantro/coriander leaves, cinnamon, cloves, dill weed, garlic, ginger, onion powder, parsley, mints, marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme, and vanilla bean.

What foods should you avoid on the AIP diet? ›

An AIP diet avoids all processed foods, alcohol, additives, refined sugars, coffee, tea, oils, and certain medications. In the elimination phase, a person will also avoid foods such as grains, legumes, dairy, eggs, and nightshade vegetables, but they may reintroduce these later.

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