People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (2024)

Every child deserves to be loved, nurtured, and given an environment to thrive. But sadly, this is not always the case. And what happens when unloved children grow up to be adults? If they were not able to heal and process their childhood, they will most likely struggle with the byproducts of never being loved by their parents.

True love and connection will immeasurably benefit you and your kids

As a mom, I have seen firsthand how important my emotional connection is with my children. Even within a day, if I fail to connect with them, it shows in their behavior. But if I take the time to be intentional with them, even if for 20 minutes, or certain moments throughout the day, there is a light inside of them that turns on. They are in better moods; they smile and laugh more; they are more confident.

You see, throughout your child’s life, they will have questions about themselves. And you, as the parent, will be the one they look to for answers. The most pivotal questions that shape their life are: Am I lovable? Am I likable? Am I successful? Am I attractive? Am I smart? Am I talented? Depending on your child’s personality, certain questions will be added to this list. If they like to make people laugh, they will look to you to see if they are funny. Your child will see themselves through your eyes; your voice becomes their inner voice.

People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (1)

If your child doesn’t see themselves as lovable based on how you treat them, they will struggle for years to come. When they are still children, they won’t necessarily see your fault. They will most likely blame themselves for not being “better.” Until they reach adulthood and can process why they feel the way they feel, you will be the perfect one they never lived up to.

We all have something to work on when it comes to love

It’s so heartbreaking when parents can’t think deeper about how their words and actions will affect their children, not only in the present but for years to come. These people often look for ways to “fix” their child, without looking within to see if their child’s misbehavior is perhaps a symptom of something they need to change in their parenting.

As you’re reading this you might be thinking, I love my child, so I’m good. But what many parents fail to realize is that we ALL have things to work on when it comes to parenting and making sure our child’s emotional needs are being met — even the best of parents. And how our children FEEL loved is often different from how we feel loved. Find out their love language. Do things that make them feel lovable.

We will all fail our children in one way or another. We will all do unloving things to our children that will affect their life and leave a ripple throughout time, sometimes for generations to come. That’s why it’s all the more important to live intentionally, be humble and willing to grow, and apologize when you wrong your kids.

We all have wounds to heal from

So whether a child has been emotionally neglected completely, or just a little bit, these traits are what all of us struggle with to some degree based on our upbringing, life circ*mstances, and how we choose to heal and grow.

I’ve met people who have had the worst possible childhood, but because they have done the work to heal through it, they have overcome and are living their best life. But that doesn’t mean those thoughts and doubts about themselves won’t come to their mind again. Healing is a process. And just because the struggle is still there, doesn’t mean healing didn’t happen.

I’ve also met people who have had the worst possible childhood but never did the work to heal from it. They have become embittered and miserable.

Whether you’re reading this article as a person who wasn’t properly loved as a child, or you’re wondering whether or not you’re loving your child enough, there is something for everyone to learn here — how important showing love to those around us truly is.

At the end of the day, we all desire to feel loved. And we all deserve to be loved.

When people are unloved as children, this is what they will struggle with in adulthood

People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (2)


When we feel as though we can’t please our parents, we try harder and harder. And when parents can’t answer this “am I lovable?” question, a child will feel like they can never live up. They won’t know how to express their emotions because the environment in which they live isn’t a space they feel safe to share who they REALLY are. Because who they are is not who they believe their parents want them to be. In adulthood, this often translates to becoming a people-pleaser. Your parents won’t quench your thirst for attention and admiration, so you will seek it elsewhere. They will then mold themselves to whoever everyone else wants them to be, neglecting who they really are.

Inability to Trust

Trust building begins in the womb. Your baby will feel you surround them. Subconsciously, they know they are safe. Then, when they are born, they struggle to adjust to their new environment — you aren’t as close as you once were. This is why babies struggle to be left alone in their cribs. They need to feel you; know you are still there, keeping them safe. And as they grow older, love is an incredible motivator for trust. A lack of love will translate to a lack of trust, both in their relationship with their parents and their relationship with others.

Here is a great article about building trust with your teenager.

People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (3)

Developing Unhealthy Relationships

The first relationship in someone’s life is with their parents. If that relationship wasn’t healthy, then their idea of healthy relationships will be skewed. Their desire for connection, love and mutual respect will be something they continue to look for throughout their life. But accomplishing this will be a challenge, as they were never taught how to have a healthy relationship.

Self-Doubt, Insecurity

While the world and its influences are full of ways to make us feel inadequate in who we are, our parents will also play a role in this. If our environment growing up was unloving, we won’t see ourselves as lovable or attractive. We won’t feel enough. This will set the stage for a lifelong battle of insecurity and self-doubt. Since our parents don’t see value in us, how will we know we have any value to give the world?

People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (4)

Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are often a result of something that’s amiss in our lives. Sometimes, this is because our parents never taught us proper skills to self-regulate, express our feelings and emotions, or let us in on the fact that life is sometimes hard, and we will fail. When we haven’t learned these proper emotional life skills along the way, we won’t know what to do with our big emotions. When we feel sad, we won’t be taught what to do with our sadness. “You’re fine. It’s not that big of a deal.” Instead of “I’m sorry you’re feeling sad. Would you like to talk about it? How can I help?” Children are forced to push down their feelings, and the result could someday result in depression and anxiety.

Lack of Empathy

Empathy is an incredible gift we can bestow on our children. It’s when we can identify with how they feel, show our compassion for them, and stick around to be there for them in whatever way they need. But empathy doesn’t always come naturally to everyone and has to be learned. And if a person’s parents never showed them empathy, then how will they learn how to extend it to others?

Inability to Self-Reflect

A child learns the most just by watching their parents. An unloving parent is not someone who self-reflects. They are someone who thinks they are always right. And because kids learn this behavior, they will most likely emulate it when they are older.

In conclusion:

All of these struggles are something most of us deal with in our lives to some extent. But when a child isn’t loved throughout their life, the repercussions are monumental. Do the work to heal if this was you. Do the work to not repeat the cycle and show your kids to love and attention they deserve.

People Who Were Unloved As Children Struggle With These 7 Things As Adults - Word From The Bird (2024)


What happens when a child grows up feeling unloved? ›

Emotional pain from not receiving love as a child can manifest in many ways, whether you're aware of it or not. You may feel empty or numb, or you live with depression and anxiety. Unresolved trauma can find a way to show in your life.

What happens to a child who grew up without love? ›

If a child doesn't feel secure or confident that they are loved unconditionally, can lead to a constant fear of abandonment in adulthood. Unfortunately, that fear of abandonment can cause all kinds of problems in adult relationships. You may find yourself pushing people away afraid they will leave you.

How does not being loved as a child affect you? ›

A deep sense of being unlovable or not worthy of a healthy loving relationship can lead to: constant reassurance-seeking. self-sabotage behaviours. inability to appropriately self-care.

What happens if you were never loved as a child? ›

How Being Unloved in Childhood May Affect You as an Adult. Feeling unloved as a child can have long-lasting effects from lack of trust to mental health conditions, but healing is possible. If you had an unloving childhood and your emotional needs went unmet by your caretakers, you're not alone.

What are the symptoms of childhood trauma in adults? ›

Signs of childhood trauma
  • Reliving the event (flashbacks or nightmares)
  • Avoidance.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Anger.
  • Problems with trust.
  • Self-destructive or risky behaviors.
  • Withdrawal.

What happens to an unloved daughter? ›

Until she is fully healed, the unloved daughter may feel deep-rooted insecurities about the validity of her thoughts and perceptions; many daughters who were mocked, told they were too sensitive, or were actively gaslighted by their mothers or other members of their family of origin have internalized these messages, ...

How does an unloved child behave? ›

These children feel unloved and unwanted. They may strive to please others, or they may misbehave to receive the attention they crave. They may withdraw from people and appear uncaring and indifferent. They may be afraid of emotional closeness and may shun intimacy in relationships.

What does lack of love do to a person? ›

Affection deprivation can cause individuals to experience a lower sense of security in love and withdraw from social interactions due to a fear of rejection or doubts about their ability to emotionally connect with others. It also creates emotional distance between couples.

What does lack of affection do to a person? ›

For example, a lack of physical contact may increase feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. One 2017 study highlights that affectionate touch promotes psychological well-being. Therefore, it is possible that a lack of contact could put a person's mental and emotional health at risk.

What is the unloved daughter syndrome? ›

If your daughter feels unloved, she may suffer from several emotional problems. Symptoms can include depression, anxiety, self-harm, and more. These feelings are often the result of the way her parents treated her during her childhood.

How to heal from an unloving mother? ›

Embracing the healing path
  1. Establish clear boundaries.
  2. If interaction is too painful, minimize contact or seek support of loved ones for moving toward ending contant.
  3. Focus on self-care.
  4. Develop self-soothing skills as well as self-compassion.
Nov 11, 2021

Can a person live without being loved? ›

But Machin and Algoe have found that love influences much more than our emotional tides. They argue that it's necessary for our very existence, both as individuals and as a species. As Machin explains, love is a human need “as fundamental to us as the food we eat and the air we breathe.”

What are the effects of unloving mother to daughter? ›

With an emotionally unreliable mother or one who is combative or hypercritical, the daughter learns that relationships are unstable and dangerous, and that trust is ephemeral and can't be relied on. Unloved daughters have trouble trusting in all relationships but especially friendship.

What is cold mother syndrome? ›

Cold mother syndrome refers to a parenting style characterized by emotional distance, dismissiveness, and rejection. This type of mothering is often accompanied by a lack of emotional availability and neglect of a child's emotional needs.

What happens to a child who is emotionally neglected? ›

Problems such as depression, anxiety, eating disorders, suicidal symptomatology, psychosis, personality disorder and substance misuse often emerge in childhood and last through adulthood to old age.

How do emotionally neglected children grow up? ›

Children who experience emotional neglect may have difficulties with regulating their emotions. They might have difficulty identifying and expressing their feelings, leading to emotional numbing, emotional outbursts, or difficulty forming healthy emotional connections with others.

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.