Please add all Poetics gear to all Sundry Splendors Vendors (2024)

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  • 03-10-2022, 10:42 PM


    Please add all Poetics gear to all Sundry Splendors Vendors

    Being locked out of buying level appropriate Poetics gear due to MSQ progression is incredibly frustrating. I would ask that we please be able to buy any and all Poetics gear from any and all Splendors Vendors wherever they are and Sundry Splendors Vendors in the main cities.

    Why do I ask? Not too long ago I made an alt to replay through ARR and HW as a fresh character, not on my main through NG+. The XP buff from earrings, rings, rest, and food was significant enough to put me at level 25 while on level 15 quests. At that point, I stopped doing ALL side quests and did ONLY MSQ and Aether Current quests, with some roulettes and a few Challenge Log things. Doing only this content, I started HW at level 58, ended HW at 76, bought a Stormblood skip (zero SB XP gain), and am now at level 80 just about to start Rak'tika.

    Unfortunately, the Sundry Splendors Vendor in the Crystarium aetheryte plaza hasn't shown up yet, likely due to lack of MSQ progress.

    I've got a crafter that can supply gear and have done so to remain current. The issue to resolve is being able to buy Poetics gear of the appropriate level when needed. I'm at the point where I'm having to waste them on low level gear for retainers to avoid capping when I'd much rather spend them on myself.

    Please add all poetics gear to all of Rowena's Girls in all locations so people who end up over leveled can buy level appropriate gear without being locked behind MSQ progression.

  • 03-10-2022, 10:49 PM


    I just want to see the main poetics vendors open at level X8 pre-credits like Idyllshire does at 58.

    The story opportunities are there: at 68 we return from Othard to find Rhalgr's Reach repaired from the Garlean raid damage. At 78 we liberate Eulmore and gain access to the main aetheryte.

    It feels designed to allow the shops to open at that point, but they don't.

  • 03-10-2022, 11:06 PM


    Poetics are for gearing up your alternate classes, not your main. This is working as intended.
  • 03-10-2022, 11:14 PM



    Originally Posted by Rhysati

    Poetics are for gearing up your alternate classes, not your main. This is working as intended.

    Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense. Once an expansion is no longer current and the top-tier augmented tome gearset is purchased with poetics, that absolutely is what you want to be buying for your main job once you hit that level threshold. The weaker gear given as quest rewards is what goes to your alt job.
  • 03-11-2022, 12:39 AM


    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"
  • 03-11-2022, 12:47 AM



    Originally Posted by Iscah

    Sorry, but that doesn't really make sense.

    That doesn't change that it is the actual case. The poetics vendors were designed to allow you to gear up your alternate characters because your mains will get gear appropriate to your level as you do the MSQ. I'm sorry if you don't like it or think it shouldn't be that way, but that's the entire point of poetics in the first place.
  • 03-11-2022, 12:51 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    Not at all. It's very easy to end up overlevelled and capped on poetics if you're doing side content and roulettes as you go.

    I've played the game several times with alts and there is very often a point where you're getting close to the end of a main expansion (let's say level 79-80 quests in Shadowbringers), you have a full wallet of 2000 poetics and have already geared up all your classes with level 70 gear. Your main job has hit 80 and you're ready to start gearing it, but the vendor isn't open, and buying other gear in the interim feels like a waste of gil.

    It's particularly bad for DNC and GNB at 70 because you don't even get the free job gear so you need to buy them something just to be on even footing with everyone else, and the gear that you actually want is out of reach until you get past the dungeon that you need gear for.

    Edit to add: On further thought, it's definitely not about having paid for a level skip because those come with a complete set of augmented tome gear included in the purchase, so a skipper has no need at all for early access to the vendor.

  • 03-11-2022, 12:53 AM



    Originally Posted by Rhysati

    The poetics vendors were designed to allow you to gear up your alternate characters

    The poetics vendors were designed to sell you gear for poetics, whatever you plan to use it for. There are no rules on which class you have to allocate the good poetics gear and which class gets the second-rate MSQ gifts.
  • 03-11-2022, 02:12 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    On the contrary, I played through the entirety of ARR and HW and ended at level 76 when I finished HW. The entire point of making the alt was to replay through ARR and HW to see all the story things I'd forgotten or just totally missed when playing them the first time. I even stopped using xp food and did ZERO non MSQ/aether current/trial unlock quests past the level 15 quest tier to minimize XP gain and have stuff available for a secondary job if I ever decided to take one.

    I have personal, out of game reasons, for not wanting to play Stormblood, so I got an MSQ skip. All that did was let me bypass the SB MSQ and get directly into ShB; there was no XP gain associated with it. I was already mid-Shadowbringers tier level (76); well above the max for Stormblood. In fact, even if I didn't have reason to not play SB, I probably would have bought the skip simply to prevent hitting level 90 early in Shadowbringers rather than what will end up being early EW.

    I've geared up this guy (my main) with Poetics gear to level PLD and don't see how having full sets available at 50, 60, 70, and 80 on him is functionally different than a new player, or someone on an alt, being able to use the tomestones they've earned for gear of an appropriate level.

    I'm not asking for a significant alteration to the game; I'm asking for a change to be made to accommodate the increased XP gain (a significant change to how the game "naturally works") and trend of over-leveling while playing through the MSQ.


    Originally Posted by Rhysati

    That doesn't change that it is the actual case. The poetics vendors were designed to allow you to gear up your alternate characters because your mains will get gear appropriate to your level as you do the MSQ. I'm sorry if you don't like it or think it shouldn't be that way, but that's the entire point of poetics in the first place.

    Poetics are/were a catch up mechanism to allow people to come in later in an expansion cycle and get caught up before moving on. They also happen to be a great way of gearing secondary jobs and retainers. Being a gear catch up mechanic, giving over-leveled players the opportunity to catch up their gear to a level-appropriate point seems to me to be fully in the spirit of Poetics.
  • 03-11-2022, 02:16 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    level skips give you a full set of tomestone plus one final dungeon ring for the level
  • 03-11-2022, 02:20 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    With the adjustments made to MSQ and experience gain, it's entirely possible to hit the max for an expansion before the final quest for that expansion. I ran into this recently on my alt in HW, hitting max a fair amount of time before I could get to Idyllshire.
  • 03-11-2022, 02:20 AM


    MSQ skips give you 10 silver chocobo feathers which is enough to get the Augmented chest and leg pieces; not even close to a full set of gear.

    Hoping this links to the alt in question's lodestone profile.

    I forgot to mention class quests were done too. The point being I stopped doing side quest content very early on and was still massively over leveled for the point I was in the MSQ.

  • 03-11-2022, 02:27 AM


    i would prefer all "endgame" hubs to have all tome gear period honestly
  • 03-11-2022, 03:12 AM



    Originally Posted by VerumNaos

    i would prefer all "endgame" hubs to have all tome gear period honestly

    i worry that this would make nigh-unusable menus, far too many options to sort through.
  • 03-11-2022, 04:02 AM



    Originally Posted by SnowVix

    i worry that this would make nigh-unusable menus, far too many options to sort through.

    Why do you think this? I'm sincerely curious.

    Unless I'm completely missing something (which is common), it would need an option for level and option for class/role and not much else. For example, Level 70 > Marauder/Warrior. We've already got multi-tier menus with the crafting/gathering scrip vendors so it seems to me to be doable, barring the effort it might require to build the proper database to house all the items.

  • 03-11-2022, 04:09 AM



    Originally Posted by Illmaeran

    Why do you think this? I'm sincerely curious.

    Unless I'm completely missing something (which is common), it would need an option for level and option for class/role and not much else. For example, Level 70 > Marauder/Warrior. We've already got multi-tier menus with the crafting/gathering scrip vendors so it seems to me to be doable, barring the effort it might require to build the proper database to house all the items.

    First of all, scrip exchange menu is awful and too complicated already. Last thing we need is more awful menus like it.

    Second, if you haven't done respective expansion's MSQ there is absolutely no need for you to have poetics gear. You literally can't unlock any content where it would be required.

  • 03-11-2022, 04:28 AM



    Originally Posted by Azuri

    Second, if you haven't done respective expansion's MSQ there is absolutely no need for you to have poetics gear. You literally can't unlock any content where it would be required.

    You're absolutely correct, I can't unlock content past the point where that expansion's Poetics vendor is, making any gear of a higher level extraneous.

    The point of my original post is that I'll get capped on Poetics before I get to the point where that expansion's vendor becomes available so all tomestones earned after that will be lost if I don't buy stuff here and there for retainers. This gets particularly annoying toward the end of an expansion when I have to micromanage tomestones to make sure I have enough to buy a lot of gear when the new vendor unlocks. I would be much happier being able to buy all the 50 through 80 gear for the class I'm leveling and then start backfilling secondary jobs or retainers.

  • 03-11-2022, 04:37 AM



    Originally Posted by Illmaeran

    You're absolutely correct, I can't unlock content past the point where that expansion's Poetics vendor is, making any gear of a higher level extraneous.

    The point of my original post is that I'll get capped on Poetics before I get to the point where that expansion's vendor becomes available so all tomestones earned after that will be lost if I don't buy stuff here and there for retainers. This gets particularly annoying toward the end of an expansion when I have to micromanage tomestones to make sure I have enough to buy a lot of gear when the new vendor unlocks. I would be much happier being able to buy all the 50 through 80 gear for the class I'm leveling and then start backfilling secondary jobs or retainers.

    Here is an easy solution. Ready? Just. Let. Them. Cap. Poetics are worthless and you get showered with them. You don't need full set of respective final tier poetics immediately after hitting an x0 level.
  • 03-11-2022, 05:40 AM



    Originally Posted by SnowVix

    i worry that this would make nigh-unusable menus, far too many options to sort through.

    Could work nicely if they overhaul them to work the way the crafting/gathering menus work with groupings. That has been a really nice QoL on those menus.
  • 03-11-2022, 06:20 AM


    I did "new" ARR on a 3rd alt and know how it works, thanks for trying. Conveniently people left out the fact that you get handed older tome gear in the MSQ quests, and the poetics is just a slight upgrade like i110 to i130 at 50, then the coffers beyond each expansion. You also don't compile tomes until 50 but the gap to 60-70 there isn't that much to buy aside from sidequest things like relic parts and items.


    Originally Posted by SnowVix

    i worry that this would make nigh-unusable menus, far too many options to sort through.

    That's exactly why, it was already too overwhelming making players look for old gear from a vendor, and doing/not doing the upgrade path. Whereas they centralize it for the zone fully upgraded for one cost.
  • 03-11-2022, 07:50 AM


    So, you want sundry splendors to sell gear that you haven't yet unlocked at the respective endgame hub? You're asking them to allow you to purchase gear that you otherwise shouldn't have access to?

    I mean, I could maybe be sorta for the idea if it was just "I'm tired of porting to [x] city just for [x0] gear, let us buy all the cap gear at any city."

    If you want them to just unlock hub vendors at lower levels, then that's what you should ask for. Sundries aren't gonna sell you stuff you otherwise can't get where it is originally sold.

  • 03-11-2022, 07:56 AM


    lol this idea doesn't make any sense. Why would you want gear to be available when you haven't taken the time to unlock it yet? It's a progression game. You can always use crafted gear, it's not like you're forced to use poetic gear to progress. It just makes it slightly faster but you won't die because you don't have it.
  • 03-11-2022, 08:27 AM


    I agree with this idea as it is really easy to out level the story if you play at a slower pace and do the daily roulettes. I often have alts that will hit the level cap of an expansion way before I am allowed to buy the tomestone gear that I just end up throwing the first crafted set from the next expansion at said alt and calling it a day ignoring the tomestone gear entirely as by the time I can usually buy it I am far past it being useful. The Sundry vendors are wonderful and I had hoped they would be the solution to hitting cap way before expected but they are all tied behind story completion. It isn't a ton of fun to finally be allowed to buy say Shire gear at level 68 when it is useless compared to what I could just craft/buy of the market board from Stormblood.
  • 03-11-2022, 08:44 AM



    Originally Posted by Xeronia

    I agree with this idea as it is really easy to out level the story if you play at a slower pace and do the daily roulettes. I often have alts that will hit the level cap of an expansion way before I am allowed to buy the tomestone gear that I just end up throwing the first crafted set from the next expansion at said alt and calling it a day ignoring the tomestone gear entirely as by the time I can usually buy it I am far past it being useful. The Sundry vendors are wonderful and I had hoped they would be the solution to hitting cap way before expected but they are all tied behind story completion. It isn't a ton of fun to finally be allowed to buy say Shire gear at level 68 when it is useless compared to what I could just craft/buy of the market board from Stormblood.

    the simple solution is to not waste daily roulette exp on a job that's at level with the MSQ. use that on a different job
  • 03-11-2022, 09:08 AM



    Originally Posted by SnowVix

    the simple solution is to not waste daily roulette exp on a job that's at level with the MSQ. use that on a different job

    If you care to play other jobs that is great, but generally even people I help the get through the story with tend to stick to one or two jobs. I don't much care for the melee jobs myself and have only leveled them for the amaro and to do all the role quests. I have a friend that only really likes Black mage. It just seems silly to me to lock tomestone gear behind story completion for past expansions.
  • 03-11-2022, 10:34 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    It's got nothing to do with level skips.

    The "natural" way to play will have your character outpacing MSQ significantly. The game encourages exploration of side content as you go so there's more XP increasing your character level. You passively gain rested XP bonuses when you're not playing the character. If you join a FC (another natural thing to do in a MMO), you're likely to end up with the Heat of Battle buff. You can get a ring from a level 15 quest that gives you an XP bonus through level 30. If you've pre-ordered any of the expansion, you'll have earrings that grant XP bonuses to higher levels. It is "natural" to use those things available to you.

    It's very easy to end up 10-15 levels (or more) past the MSQ level playing naturally. Even splitting XP between multiple jobs does not help much. I've got an alt right now with 3 jobs at level 70 and one at level 64. She just walked into Rhalgr's Reach for the first time - that's level 60 MSQ - and no way to buy the level 70 tomestone gear for her level 70 jobs.

    It's easy to argue that since a character doesn't need the higher level gear to do lower level content that there isn't a need to make the tomestone gear available but that doesn't make it "natural". Character progression in MMOs tie gear to class/job level so it is "natural" to want your character to have the gear appropriate to their level regardless of what content they are doing.

    It feels really awkward sitting on Poetics cap with nothing other than topsoil to buy when the main purpose of tomestones is to purchase gear upgrades but the only way to get an upgrade is to resort to the marketboard or a crafting friend.

  • 03-11-2022, 10:44 AM



    Originally Posted by technole

    "i bought a level skip, and the game should accommodate to my style of playing instead of how it works naturally"

    *looks at my 85 RPR that isn't finished with SHB yet.*
  • 03-11-2022, 10:47 AM



    Originally Posted by Azuri

    First of all, scrip exchange menu is awful and too complicated already. Last thing we need is more awful menus like it.

    Agreed on that. Both the Rowena's Representatives and the new scrip exchange menu (same basic design) feel very awkward to navigate on controller. I counted the other day and it takes eight button presses to bring up the list I want versus four presses in a normal menu layout. And IIRC pressing Circle quits the whole thing instead of taking the pointer back to the drop-down list.

    I feel like these newer menus (the glamour dresser too) only get tested for mouse, not controller. There are so many little ways that they are awkward to navigate.

  • 03-11-2022, 05:28 PM



    Originally Posted by hagare

    *looks at my 85 RPR that isn't finished with SHB yet.*

    Heh. My RPR is only 82, but, looks at my 90 Sage that hasn't handed in "Will of the Moon" despite it having a green tick.

    (one year I will hand it in, maybe after all my classes are 90)

  • 03-11-2022, 10:03 PM



    Originally Posted by Xeronia

    If you care to play other jobs that is great, but generally even people I help the get through the story with tend to stick to one or two jobs. I don't much care for the melee jobs myself and have only leveled them for the amaro and to do all the role quests. I have a friend that only really likes Black mage. It just seems silly to me to lock tomestone gear behind story completion for past expansions.

    then don't do roulettes. the purpose of the bonus exp is to catch up when you don't have MSQ exp available.
  • 03-11-2022, 10:34 PM



    Originally Posted by SnowVix

    then don't do roulettes. the purpose of the bonus exp is to catch up when you don't have MSQ exp available.

    "Sorry friends and FC mates, I know this is a multiplayer game, but I can't help you with roulettes or specific-queue activities since I have a lot of MSQ XP to earn and should only be using the roulette XP bonus to catch up on secondary jobs." What an awful attitude to have! Bonus XP from roulettes isn't a catch up mechanism, it's a bribe to get people to do roulettes to help people get through story content. Roulettes are 100% intended to be done while progressing through the MSQ.

    Also, the idea of switching between jobs to avoid over-leveling is bogus. I already had to limit the activities I had available and stop doing non-MSQ quests to limit XP gain and prevent being 15+ levels higher than the progression point I was at. I have a main character (the one I'm posting on) to do the multiple job thing on. The alt in question is a single job tank; I have no interest in doing other jobs on her. I would argue that the dev team intend for people to play through the MSQ on a single job and not switch between multiple ones while going through the game the first time.

    The dev team intentionally increased XP gain through the MSQ to help new players get to higher levels more quickly so they can play with their higher level friends sooner. They changed a fundamental mechanic of the game, so it's not uncalled for to ask to have another fundamental mechanic (gear progression) be

    adjusted to align with the deliberately increased XP gain.
  • 03-11-2022, 10:41 PM



    Originally Posted by Eriane_Elis

    lol this idea doesn't make any sense. Why would you want gear to be available when you haven't taken the time to unlock it yet? It's a progression game. You can always use crafted gear, it's not like you're forced to use poetic gear to progress. It just makes it slightly faster but you won't die because you don't have it.

    Because xp gain is decidedly broken for previous expansions, especially with road to 80
    Because if you were "allowed" to get gear that you haven't "unlocked" yet, you could easily be level 70 with level 56 gear because you're in the middle of HW MSQ.
    Because it only makes sense to have to "unlock" it in the most recent expansion because you can't get the tomestones before level cap.
    Because your "rule" is completely superficial and makes less sense since they can just purchase crafted gear.....
    Because stuff like this leads people to skipping cutscenes through MSQ to finally "catch up" to their level and unlock the stuff they should have access to
  • 03-11-2022, 11:53 PM



    Originally Posted by LeonKeyh

    Because xp gain is decidedly broken for previous expansions, especially with road to 80
    Because if you were "allowed" to get gear that you haven't "unlocked" yet, you could easily be level 70 with level 56 gear because you're in the middle of HW MSQ.
    Because it only makes sense to have to "unlock" it in the most recent expansion because you can't get the tomestones before level cap.
    Because your "rule" is completely superficial and makes less sense since they can just purchase crafted gear.....
    Because stuff like this leads people to skipping cutscenes through MSQ to finally "catch up" to their level and unlock the stuff they should have access to

    But tome gear isnt the end all, best gear for the level range.. It's outclassed and replaced after a couple of levels anyway..

    crafted gear exists, npc gear exists (maybe you cant buy it from the npc's yet but you can buy it from the marketboard) and the biggest thing, is that if you're doing story content, you dont *need* gear ten levels higher than the story content. Its not going to make that much of a difference anyway.

    If you really want higher level gear but havent unlocked the tome vender yet, just by it off the marketboard.

    But especially your last point, "this leads people to skipping cutscenes through msq to catch up to their level" this is the first i've heard of this, and this is, im sorry, very dumb. "I've invested 70 hours into this story and its world, and there's some crazy stuff happening in the story, But i really want to wear this cool hat so... -skip-"

  • 03-12-2022, 01:12 AM



    Originally Posted by LeonKeyh

    Because xp gain is decidedly broken for previous expansions, especially with road to 80
    Because if you were "allowed" to get gear that you haven't "unlocked" yet, you could easily be level 70 with level 56 gear because you're in the middle of HW MSQ.
    Because it only makes sense to have to "unlock" it in the most recent expansion because you can't get the tomestones before level cap.
    Because your "rule" is completely superficial and makes less sense since they can just purchase crafted gear.....
    Because stuff like this leads people to skipping cutscenes through MSQ to finally "catch up" to their level and unlock the stuff they should have access to

    If people skip cutscenes because they can't add 10pts of damage per second, then it's on them. It makes zero sense on why someone would do this LOL. You don't need poetic gear to progress through the game and you can absolutely do everything way undergeared. Again, you can get gear from quests, purchasing from NPCs, purchase from MB, get them as dungeon drops etc... You're not meant to rush through the game, that is entirely on YOU. Slow down and enjoy the game instead of holding out your hand and hoping everything is given out to you pro-bono. Earn your gear like everybody else. This is by large, a single player game with multiplayer functionality and you don't need to be at the end-game to be able to play with"your friends". If your friends really wanted to play with you, they would play with you regardless where you are in the story or level. If you don't occasionally do things the hard way then you won't improve very much and it's part of the reason why there are so many level 90s who can't play their class. They just skip everything and rush without even practicing their class and learning their skills thoroughly.

    The game is casual enough, it shouldn't keep getting easier. They are making combat even easier now and give everyone minions really easily which was once difficult to obtain for no reason. Aren't those supposed to be part of an unlockable collection as an achievement? Shame.... But that's what FF14 is becoming, very watered down. Please don't encourage them to water it more.

  • 03-12-2022, 01:14 AM



    Originally Posted by Illmaeran

    The dev team intentionally increased XP gain through the MSQ to help new players get to higher levels more quickly so they can play with their higher level friends sooner. They changed a fundamental mechanic of the game, so it's not uncalled for to ask to have another fundamental mechanic (gear progression) be

    adjusted to align with the deliberately increased XP gain


    This argument is absolutely asinine and simply wrong. It doesn't matter if you are lvl 76 because you literally can't unlock any lvl 60 or above duty before you finish Heavensward MSQ. You don't get to "play with higher level friends sooner" at all.
  • 03-12-2022, 08:45 AM


    Isn't outleveling the content bad enough that you in addition also want to outgear it?
  • 03-12-2022, 07:41 PM



    Originally Posted by ACE135

    Isn't outleveling the content bad enough that you in addition also want to outgear it?

    Gear progression is what we primarily associate most with character progression in MMOs (at least most of them). Not being able to get gear to match character level can make a player feel like there's a problem with character progression.

    Outgearing the content is irrelevant for most of MSQ because of item level sync in dungeons and trials but certainly some players appreciate being able to kill what little open world creatures are needed for MSQ in 5 seconds instead of 15. The faster they get through all the annoying little chores, the faster they will be doing the things that matter to them.

    What harm is caused by giving players access to the tomestone gear appropriate to their job level? None - the gear was made to be worn at that job level regardless of what content they are doing. We don't have to unequip the gear because we're doing "lesser" content.

    Acquiring the gear helps to bolster the sense of character progression, generally creating a more satisfied player.

  • 03-12-2022, 08:25 PM


    The solution to this would be just buy story skip, you save time with money, it is as easy and simple as it is
  • 03-13-2022, 07:22 AM



    Originally Posted by Ravor

    The solution to this would be just buy story skip, you save time with money, it is as easy and simple as it is

    That's not a solution to the tomestone gear problem. That's a solution for those who don't enjoy story.
  • 03-13-2022, 05:19 PM


    I agree with OP. Since we can already collect the end game poetic stones, why can't we spend them before finishing MSQ? The MSQ is fine for those who enjoy the story, but to force you to go through it all and taunt you with unspendable Tomestones is cruel.

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Please add all Poetics gear to all Sundry Splendors Vendors (2024)
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