What Kind Of Ethernet Cable Do I Need For Ps4 | Robots.net (2024)


Welcome to the world of gaming on the PlayStation 4 (PS4), where you can experience a whole new level of excitement and immersion. Whether you’re playing the latest multiplayer games or streaming online content, a stable and reliable internet connection is vital for a smooth gaming experience. While a wireless connection may be convenient, using an Ethernet cable is often the preferred option for serious gamers. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using an Ethernet cable for your PS4 and provide guidance on choosing the right one.

Using an Ethernet cable for your PS4 offers numerous advantages over a wireless connection. The most significant benefit is the stability and reliability it provides. Unlike Wi-Fi, which can be affected by interference from other devices or obstacles in your home, an Ethernet cable provides a direct and consistent connection to your internet router. This means less lag, reduced latency, and a more reliable online gaming experience.

In addition to stability, an Ethernet cable can also offer faster speeds compared to Wi-Fi. This is especially beneficial for online multiplayer gaming, where a split-second delay can mean the difference between victory and defeat. A wired connection ensures a more consistent and high-speed data transfer, allowing you to react quickly and stay ahead of the competition.

Not only does an Ethernet cable provide a more stable and faster connection, but it also minimizes the risk of signal dropouts. With Wi-Fi, you may experience intermittent disconnections or signal fluctuations, which can be frustrating during intense gaming sessions. By using a wired connection, you can eliminate these issues and enjoy uninterrupted gameplay for extended periods.

Now that we understand the benefits of using an Ethernet cable for your PS4, it’s important to choose the right one that suits your specific needs. In the next sections, we will delve into the different types of Ethernet cables available and the factors to consider when making your selection.

Benefits of using an Ethernet cable for PS4

When it comes to gaming on your PlayStation 4 (PS4), a stable and reliable internet connection is essential. While a wireless connection might be convenient, using an Ethernet cable offers several significant benefits that can greatly enhance your gaming experience.

One of the primary advantages of using an Ethernet cable is the increased stability and reliability it provides. Unlike wireless connections, which can be susceptible to interference from other devices or obstacles in your home, an Ethernet cable offers a direct, wired connection to your internet router. This means that you’ll experience less lag and latency, resulting in smoother gameplay and a more enjoyable gaming experience overall.

In addition to stability, using an Ethernet cable can also provide faster speeds compared to Wi-Fi. This is particularly crucial for online multiplayer gaming, where a split-second delay can impact your performance. With a wired connection, you can enjoy consistently high-speed data transfer, enabling you to react quickly and stay competitive in fast-paced games.

Furthermore, an Ethernet cable can help minimize the risk of signal dropouts during gameplay. With wireless connections, you may encounter intermittent disconnections or signal fluctuations, which can be frustrating, especially in critical moments. By utilizing a wired connection, you can eliminate these disruptions and enjoy uninterrupted gameplay for extended periods of time.

Another advantage of using an Ethernet cable is the potential for lower ping and reduced latency. Ping measures the time it takes for data to travel between your PS4 and the game server, while latency refers to the delay in data transfer. A wired connection can significantly reduce both ping and latency, resulting in a more responsive gaming experience and allowing you to perform actions more accurately.

Lastly, using an Ethernet cable can also improve the overall security of your gaming setup. While Wi-Fi networks can be susceptible to unauthorized access or hacking attempts, a wired connection offers an added layer of protection. With a direct connection between your PS4 and the router, the risk of information interception or unauthorized access to your gaming data is greatly reduced.

By taking advantage of an Ethernet cable for your PS4, you can unlock these benefits and elevate your gaming experience to new heights. Whether it’s the stability, faster speeds, reduced ping and latency, uninterrupted gameplay, or enhanced security, a wired connection offers a range of advantages that can help you fully immerse yourself in the gaming world. So, don’t miss out on the opportunity to maximize your gaming potential with an Ethernet cable for your PS4.

Understanding Ethernet cables

Before you select an Ethernet cable for your PlayStation 4 (PS4), it’s important to understand the different types and specifications available. Ethernet cables are used to establish a wired connection between your PS4 and the internet router, ensuring a stable and reliable connection for online gaming.

When it comes to Ethernet cables, the most common types you’ll encounter are Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, and Cat7. The “Cat” stands for “Category,” which indicates the cable’s performance standards and capabilities. Each category has specific characteristics in terms of speed, bandwidth, and maximum cable length.

Starting with Cat5e, it is the most basic type of Ethernet cable suitable for general home use. It supports speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) and is sufficient for most gaming needs. Cat5e cables are affordable and widely available, making them a popular choice for gamers on a budget.

The next step up is Cat6, which offers higher performance compared to Cat5e. It supports speeds up to 10 Gbps and provides excellent signal quality and reduced crosstalk. Cat6 cables are thicker and typically have tighter twists in the wires, which helps minimize interference and ensures faster and more reliable data transmission.

Cat6a, also known as Augmented Cat6, is an enhanced version of Cat6. It supports even higher speeds up to 10 Gbps over longer distances. Cat6a cables have improved shielding and larger conductors, allowing for an extended cable length without sacrificing performance. While Cat6a cables are slightly more expensive than Cat6, they are ideal for professional gamers or those who require maximum performance and speed.

Finally, there’s Cat7, the latest and highest category of Ethernet cables available. Cat7 cables support speeds up to 10 Gbps and have stricter specifications for crosstalk and system noise. They also feature shielding for each pair of wires, which further reduces interference. Cat7 cables are often thicker and more rigid than the previous categories and are recommended for gaming enthusiasts who demand the ultimate performance and future-proofing.

It’s worth noting that the performance of an Ethernet cable is influenced by various factors, including the quality of the connectors, the quality of the insulation, and the overall construction of the cable. Therefore, it’s essential to choose cables from reputable manufacturers known for their quality and reliability.

Understanding the different types of Ethernet cables will help you make an informed decision based on your specific gaming requirements and budget. Whether you opt for a Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, or Cat7 cable, each provides a wired connection that significantly enhances your gaming experience on the PS4.

Factors to consider when choosing an Ethernet cable for PS4

When it comes to selecting an Ethernet cable for your PlayStation 4 (PS4), there are a few essential factors to consider. By understanding these factors, you can make an informed decision and ensure that you choose a cable that meets your specific gaming requirements.

1. Speed and Compatibility: Determine the maximum speed supported by your internet service provider (ISP) and your PS4’s network capabilities. Ensure that the Ethernet cable you choose can handle the required speed. While a Cat5e cable might be sufficient for most gamers, if you have a high-speed internet connection or plan on future upgrades, you may want to opt for a higher category cable, such as Cat6 or Cat7.

2. Cable Length: Consider the distance between your PS4 and the router. Choose an Ethernet cable that provides sufficient length to connect both devices comfortably. It’s always better to have a slightly longer cable than needed, as you can manage any excess length with cable management solutions.

3. Shielding: Pay attention to the cables’ shielding capabilities, especially if you live in a dense residential area or have many electronic devices nearby. Shielded cables, such as those with foil or braided shielding, can help minimize interference and ensure a more stable and reliable connection.

4. Quality and Construction: Invest in cables from reputable manufacturers known for their quality. Look for cables with durable connectors, strong insulation for the wires, and sturdy construction. High-quality cables are less likely to break or become damaged, ensuring a longer lifespan and consistent performance.

5. Budget: Consider your budget and weigh it against your gaming needs. While higher category cables may offer better performance, they can also be more expensive. Evaluate your requirements and prioritize accordingly.

6. Future-Proofing: If you anticipate upgrading your internet connection or gaming setup in the future, it may be worth considering a higher category cable, such as Cat6 or Cat7. These cables provide better performance and can accommodate higher speeds, ensuring that your cable will not become a limiting factor in your gaming experience.

7. Reviews and Recommendations: Before making a final decision, read reviews and seek recommendations from fellow gamers or trusted sources. Their experiences can provide valuable insights and help you make an informed choice.

By considering these factors, you can select an Ethernet cable that suits your specific needs and ensures a stable and reliable connection between your PS4 and the internet router. Remember to prioritize the factors that are most important to you, such as speed, budget, and future-proofing, to make the best choice for your gaming setup.

Different types of Ethernet cables

When it comes to Ethernet cables, there are several different types available, each with its own characteristics and capabilities. Understanding these different types can help you choose the right Ethernet cable for your gaming needs on the PlayStation 4 (PS4).

1. Cat5e Ethernet cable: Cat5e (Category 5e) is the most commonly used Ethernet cable for general home internet connections. It supports speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps) and is suitable for most gaming needs. Cat5e cables are cost-effective and widely available, making them a popular choice for gamers looking for an affordable yet reliable option.

2. Cat6 Ethernet cable: Cat6 (Category 6) cables are an upgrade from Cat5e. They support higher speeds up to 10 Gbps and have better signal quality due to tighter twists in the wires. Cat6 cables are ideal for gamers who require faster and more reliable data transmission, especially for online multiplayer gaming.

3. Cat6a Ethernet cable: Cat6a (Category 6a) is an enhanced version of Cat6. It offers similar speeds of up to 10 Gbps but provides improved performance over longer distances. Cat6a cables have better shielding and larger conductors, allowing for an extended cable length without sacrificing signal quality. These cables are popular among professional gamers or those who demand maximum performance and speed.

4. Cat7 Ethernet cable: Cat7 (Category 7) is the latest and highest category of Ethernet cables available. It supports speeds up to 10 Gbps and has stricter specifications for crosstalk and system noise. Cat7 cables feature shielding for each pair of wires, reducing interference and providing the best possible signal quality. While they are thicker and less flexible than previous categories, Cat7 cables are ideal for gamers who require the utmost performance and future-proofing.

It’s important to note that while Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, and Cat7 are the most common Ethernet cable types, there are also other variations available, such as Cat5 and Cat3. However, these older categories are less common in modern gaming setups and lack the performance capabilities of the newer categories.

Ultimately, the type of Ethernet cable you choose for your PS4 will depend on your specific gaming requirements, budget, and future aspirations. If you require basic connectivity without the need for higher speeds, a Cat5e cable will suffice. However, if you seek faster speeds, reduced latency, and improved performance, opting for Cat6, Cat6a, or Cat7 cables may be a better choice.

Consider your gaming needs, research the different cable types, and select the one that best aligns with your requirements and budget. A well-chosen Ethernet cable can significantly enhance your gaming experience on the PS4 and ensure a stable and reliable connection for all your gaming adventures.

Cat5e Ethernet cable

Cat5e (Category 5e) Ethernet cables are one of the most widely used types of Ethernet cables for home networking and gaming purposes. They provide a reliable and cost-effective solution for connecting devices like the PlayStation 4 (PS4) to the internet router.

Cat5e cables support speeds up to 1 Gigabit per second (Gbps), which is more than sufficient for most gaming needs. They are compatible with most standard internet connections, including cable and DSL. These cables have four twisted pairs of copper wires that help minimize crosstalk and interference, ensuring a stable and reliable connection for your PS4 gaming sessions.

One of the main advantages of Cat5e cables is their affordability. They are more budget-friendly compared to higher category cables like Cat6 or Cat7. This makes them a popular choice among gamers looking for a reliable and economical option.

In addition to their cost-effectiveness, Cat5e cables are widely available, making them easily accessible for gamers. They come in different lengths, allowing you to choose the appropriate size to connect your PS4 to the internet router, whether that’s a short distance or a long cable run.

While Cat5e cables provide reliable performance for most gaming scenarios, they do have limitations, particularly when it comes to higher-speed internet connections. If you have a very high-speed internet plan or plan on upgrading in the future, you may want to consider a higher category cable like Cat6 or Cat7 for a more optimal gaming experience.

If your gaming needs primarily revolve around playing games online, streaming content, and general internet usage, a Cat5e cable will serve you well. It offers a stable connection and sufficient speed for most gaming purposes, and its affordability makes it an attractive option for budget-conscious gamers.

However, if you’re a competitive gamer seeking the fastest speeds, lower latency, and the ability to future-proof your network, you may want to consider upgrading to a higher category cable. But for casual gamers or those with standard internet plans, a Cat5e cable is a reliable and economical choice that will meet your gaming needs on the PS4.

When purchasing a Cat5e Ethernet cable, ensure that you choose a reputable brand known for quality. This will ensure that the cable performs optimally and provides a consistent and reliable connection for your PS4 gaming sessions.

In summary, Cat5e Ethernet cables offer a cost-effective and reliable solution for connecting your PS4 to the internet. While they may not offer the highest speeds or performance capabilities of higher category cables, they are more than capable of providing a stable and sufficient connection for most gamers.

Cat6 Ethernet cable

Cat6 (Category 6) Ethernet cables are an upgrade from Cat5e cables and offer improved performance when it comes to gaming on the PlayStation 4 (PS4). They provide faster speeds, reduced latency, and better signal quality, making them an ideal choice for gamers looking for an enhanced gaming experience.

One of the main advantages of Cat6 cables is their ability to support speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps). This higher speed capability allows for faster data transfer, reducing the time it takes to download games, stream content, or participate in online multiplayer gaming sessions. The increased bandwidth of Cat6 cables ensures a smoother and more responsive gaming experience on the PS4.

Another benefit of Cat6 cables is their improved signal quality due to tighter twists in the wire pairs. This tightening helps reduce crosstalk and interference, resulting in a more stable and reliable connection. With reduced interference, Cat6 cables minimize data errors and packet loss, ensuring that the data transmitted between your PS4 and the internet router remains intact and delivers a consistent gaming experience.

Cat6 cables also come with backward compatibility, meaning they can be used with devices that only support lower category cables like Cat5e or Cat5. This versatility makes Cat6 cables a worthwhile investment, as they can be used with various devices throughout your home network, not just your PS4.

It’s important to note that Cat6 cables are slightly thicker compared to Cat5e cables due to their tighter twists. While this may make them less flexible and more challenging to route, it is a small trade-off for their superior performance benefits. Additionally, for longer cable runs, Cat6 cables maintain their high performance over longer distances without signal degradation.

If you’re a serious gamer seeking a more optimized gaming experience, especially for online multiplayer gaming, Cat6 cables are a great choice. They provide faster speeds, reduced latency, and improved signal quality, translating into improved responsiveness and accuracy in your gameplay on the PS4.

However, it’s essential to consider your specific gaming needs and internet plan before investing in Cat6 cables. If you have a standard internet plan with lower speeds or don’t engage in online multiplayer gaming often, the benefits of Cat6 cables may not be as noticeable. In such cases, a Cat5e cable may suffice.

When purchasing Cat6 Ethernet cables, ensure that you choose cables from reputable manufacturers known for their quality and reliability. This will ensure that you get the best performance and longevity from your cables, maximizing your gaming experience on the PS4.

In summary, Cat6 Ethernet cables offer faster speeds, reduced latency, and improved signal quality compared to Cat5e cables. They provide an enhanced gaming experience on the PS4, making them an ideal choice for gamers seeking optimal performance and responsiveness.

Cat6a Ethernet cable

Cat6a (Category 6a), or Augmented Cat6, Ethernet cables are an advanced and enhanced version of Cat6 cables. They offer even higher performance and capabilities, making them an excellent choice for gamers looking for the utmost speed and reliability when gaming on the PlayStation 4 (PS4).

One of the standout advantages of Cat6a cables is their ability to support speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps) over longer distances. This makes them ideal for gamers who require maximum bandwidth and low latency, especially when engaging in high-bandwidth activities such as online multiplayer gaming or streaming high-definition content.

Cat6a cables have larger conductors and improved shielding compared to Cat6 cables. The larger conductors allow for better signal transmission, reducing the chance of signal loss and degradation. This translates into a more consistent and reliable connection, ensuring that your PS4 performs at its best during intense gaming sessions.

Furthermore, the increased shielding in Cat6a cables helps minimize crosstalk and electromagnetic interference, even in environments with heavy electronic interference. This shielding effectively reduces signal interference and enhances signal integrity, resulting in a cleaner and more stable connection for your gaming needs.

Another advantage of Cat6a cables is their backwards compatibility with lower category cables like Cat6 and Cat5e. This means you can use Cat6a cables with older devices or existing infrastructure that supports lower category cables, providing you with the flexibility to upgrade your network while maintaining compatibility with your existing setup.

It’s worth noting that Cat6a cables are slightly thicker and less flexible than Cat6 cables due to the increased conductor size and improved shielding. While this might result in slightly more challenging installation, the superior performance and future-proofing benefits of Cat6a make it a worthwhile investment for avid gamers and those seeking the highest performance standards.

When choosing Cat6a Ethernet cables, it’s crucial to select cables from reputable manufacturers known for producing high-quality products. This ensures that you receive cables with robust construction, reliable performance, and durability, ultimately maximizing your gaming experience on the PS4.

While Cat6a Ethernet cables offer significant performance advantages over lower category cables, it’s crucial to assess your specific gaming requirements and internet plan to determine if the additional features and capabilities of Cat6a are necessary for your setup. If you have a high-speed internet plan and prioritize the utmost performance and reliability, Cat6a is an excellent choice. However, for standard internet plans and casual gaming, Cat6 or Cat5e cables may suffice.

In summary, Cat6a Ethernet cables provide ultra-high speeds, improved shielding, and enhanced signal quality over longer distances. They are designed for gamers who demand the highest performance and reliability from their gaming setup, making them a worthwhile investment for a seamless gaming experience on the PS4.

Cat7 Ethernet cable

Cat7 (Category 7) Ethernet cables are the latest and highest category of Ethernet cables available on the market. They offer superior performance and capabilities, making them an excellent choice for gamers seeking the highest speed and reliability when gaming on the PlayStation 4 (PS4).

One of the key advantages of Cat7 cables is their ability to support speeds up to 10 Gigabits per second (Gbps), similar to Cat6 and Cat6a cables. However, where Cat7 cables truly shine is their improved shielding and reduced crosstalk due to individual shielding for each pair of wires.

The individual shielding in Cat7 cables provides superior protection against electromagnetic interference and external noise, resulting in clearer and more reliable data transmission. This shielding ensures minimal signal degradation and maximizes signal integrity, making Cat7 cables the perfect choice for gamers who demand the highest performance standards.

In addition to its shielding capabilities, Cat7 cables have stricter specifications for crosstalk and system noise compared to previous categories. This further enhances their ability to deliver a stable and consistent signal, reducing the chances of data errors or packet loss during gameplay on the PS4.

Cat7 cables are also backwards compatible with lower category cables like Cat6a, Cat6, and Cat5e. This means they can be used with older devices or existing infrastructure, making them a versatile option for upgrading your network while maintaining compatibility with older devices or connections.

It’s important to note that Cat7 cables are thicker and less flexible compared to previous categories due to their additional shielding. This may require more meticulous cable management during installation. However, the superior performance of Cat7 cables makes them highly desirable for gaming enthusiasts who prioritize the ultimate performance and reliability in their gaming experience.

When selecting Cat7 Ethernet cables, it’s crucial to choose cables from reputable manufacturers that adhere to the necessary standards. This ensures that you receive cables with high-quality construction and reliable performance, maximizing the benefits of using Cat7 cables for your gaming setup.

While Cat7 Ethernet cables offer exceptional performance, it’s important to consider your specific gaming needs and internet plan before investing. If you have a high-speed internet plan and require the utmost performance and reliability for your PS4 gaming, Cat7 is an excellent choice. However, for standard internet plans or casual gaming, lower category cables such as Cat6a or Cat6 may suffice.

In summary, Cat7 Ethernet cables provide unmatched performance and shielding capabilities, making them the ideal choice for gamers seeking the highest speed and reliability for their PS4 gaming experience. With their superior signal integrity and reduced crosstalk, Cat7 cables ensure a stable and consistent connection, allowing you to immerse yourself in uninterrupted gaming sessions.


Choosing the right Ethernet cable for your PlayStation 4 (PS4) is crucial for a stable and reliable gaming experience. While a wireless connection may be convenient, using an Ethernet cable offers numerous benefits, including enhanced stability, faster speeds, reduced latency, and uninterrupted gameplay.

When selecting an Ethernet cable, it’s important to consider factors such as the speed and compatibility requirements of your internet connection, the cable length needed, the level of shielding required, the quality and construction of the cable, your budget, and the potential for future upgrades.

The different types of Ethernet cables available, such as Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, and Cat7, cater to various gaming needs and requirements. Cat5e cables are a cost-effective choice and offer sufficient speeds for most gaming scenarios. Cat6 cables provide faster speeds and improved signal quality, while Cat6a cables offer enhanced performance over longer distances. Cat7 cables provide ultimate performance with higher speeds and superior shielding capabilities.

Ultimately, the Ethernet cable you choose will depend on your specific gaming requirements, budget, and future aspirations. Consider the performance benefits, backward compatibility, and potential limitations of each cable category to make an informed decision.

Whichever cable you select, ensure that you choose cables from reputable manufacturers known for their quality and reliability. This will ensure that you receive cables that perform optimally and provide a consistent and reliable connection for your PS4 gaming sessions.

By using the appropriate Ethernet cable for your PS4, you can unlock a whole new level of gaming performance, stability, and reliability. Whether you opt for Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, or Cat7, each cable category offers its own advantages and will greatly enhance your gaming experience on the PS4.

So, don’t compromise on your gaming experience. Invest in the right Ethernet cable that suits your needs and enjoy a seamless and immersive gaming journey on your PS4.

What Kind Of Ethernet Cable Do I Need For Ps4 | Robots.net (2024)


What Kind Of Ethernet Cable Do I Need For Ps4 | Robots.net? ›

The most common types of Ethernet cables available are Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6, and Cat7. Cat5 and Cat5e are basic Ethernet cables that can handle most PS4 gaming requirements, with a maximum bandwidth of 100 Mbps and 1 Gbps, respectively. They can support a distance of up to 100 metres without signal degradation.

What type of Ethernet cable do I need for PS4? ›

In conclusion, the Cat6 Ethernet cable is the best choice for PS4 gaming due to its high-speed and reliable connection capabilities. It ensures smooth gameplay, minimal lag, and a stable connection, allowing you to fully enjoy your gaming experience.

Is Cat 5 or 6 better for gaming? ›

Cat 6 cables are faster than Cat 5e cables, which can boost your network performance and data transfer rate. This can be beneficial if you are using applications that require high bandwidth, such as video conferencing, cloud computing, or online gaming. Another advantage is the reliability.

Is Cat 8 Ethernet cable good for PS4? ›

The Cat 8 Ethernet cable is not officially supported by the PlayStation 4 (PS4) as it exceeds the network requirements specified by Sony. The PS4 is designed to work with Cat 5e or Cat 6 Ethernet cables, which are widely available and provide sufficient performance for online gaming and streaming.

What type of Ethernet cable is best for gaming? ›

The best type of ethernet cable for gaming is a Cat 8 cable. A Cat 8 cable offers a speed of up to 40 Gbps and a bandwidth of up to 2000 MHz. This is perfect for gaming, but unnecessary if you only use your internet-enabled devices for browsing.

How do I know what kind of Ethernet cable I need? ›

The best category of ethernet cable depends on your internet needs. Category 5 cables are the most basic ethernet cable. However, they are still robust enough for most standard browsing. However, if you are regularly streaming or gaming, a more powerful Cat6 or Cat7 cable will be preferable for you.

Does PS4 use Cat5 or Cat6? ›

As for the type of cat cable that a PS4 uses, it typically requires a Cat5e or Cat6 Ethernet cable for a wired internet connection. These cables offer high-speed and reliable connections, making them ideal for online gaming and streaming on the PS4.

Is Cat7 overkill for gaming? ›

Cat5 is budget-friendly but maxes out before Gigabit speeds, while Cat6 and Cat7 offer a sweet spot for gamers with Gigabit or faster internet, providing great performance at a moderate price. Cat8 on the other hand offers even higher speeds, but is pricier and mostly an overkill for gaming needs.

How fast is Cat7? ›

Cat7 wire was designed to support 10 Gbps Ethernet, but laboratory tests have demonstrated that it can transmit up to 40 Gbps at 50 meters and even 100 Gbps at 15 meters. Cat7 Ethernet cable speed is 10.000 Mbit/s.

Can I use Cat8 instead of CAT 5? ›

In conclusion, while you can use Cat8 Ethernet cables instead of Cat5, it's essential to consider your specific needs and compatibility requirements. If you require faster speeds, better performance, and are willing to invest in the latest technology, Cat8 cables can be a suitable choice.

What cords do you need for PS4? ›

HDMI cable: Connect from the PS4 HDMI port to your TV to get pictures and sound onto your screen in glorious high definition – or even more glorious 4K and HDR, if you have a fancy TV and a PS4 Pro. Power cable: No surprises here; your PS4 needs electricity, so you need a power cable.

Is PS4 better with Ethernet cable? ›

Ethernet will be considerably faster, assuming you have a reasonably fast connection. Your wifi will theoretically top out at around 150Mb/s. Via a Cat5 cable you are looking at more like 1Gb/s. Of course, if your internet connection is only as fast as your Wifi you won't see any benefit from using a cable.

Is Cat8 Ethernet overkill? ›

With a maximum bandwidth of 2000 MHz, CAT8 cables are capable of delivering speeds of up to 40 Gbps over short distances. This makes them ideal for professional gaming setups or for those who require the absolute best performance. However, for the average gamer, CAT8 cables may be considered overkill.

Do I need a Cat7 ethernet cable? ›

You will simply waste money. For the average home and small business user, purchasing anything higher than Cat6 is of no benefit either. This all said, if your network is designed to run 10 Gigabit speed, and you need this speed past 110 feet (165 feet depending on conditions) then indeed Cat6A is the way to go.

What cable do I need to connect my PS4 to the internet? ›

You can use either Wi-Fi or a LAN (Ethernet) cable to connect your PS4™ system to the Internet. See “Set Up Internet Connection” to set up the connection. Make sure you have a LAN cable when you don't plan to use Wi-Fi.

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