Women’s Face Shaving: What You Need to Know (2024)

Women often use a variety of facial hair removal techniques to get rid of unwanted peach fuzz, but shaving wasn’t generally among the most common – or commonly discussed — methods until recently. Here is what you need to know about female face shaving.

If you have hair that you don’t want on your face, shaving it off shouldn’t be controversial; men have been shaving their faces since the invention of razors, after all! Shaving is simple, fast, and inexpensive. Women are perfectly open about shaving their legs, underarms, and bikini lines. Whyshouldn’twomen shave their faces?

Well… it depends.

Women tend to have more fragile skin than men; daily shaving could cause irritation, effectively negating the cosmetic benefits. Also, there is a risk of cutting the skin, which could lead to infection. Of course, everyone is different, and face shaving has been a weapon in some of the world’s most famous women’s beauty arsenals for centuries.

Seriously, both Queen Elizabeth I and Elizabeth Taylor reportedly shaved their faces. You don’t get much more glamorous than that!

Face shaving is a perfectly reasonable grooming technique if it solves more problems than it causes. If shaving your face rids you of unwanted hair, doesn’t cause irritation, and leaves you with smooth, glowing skin, then continue to shave without shame!

But first – what’s the big deal about face shaving?

Benefits of Face Shaving

Shaving – whether it is face shaving or shaving anywhere on the body – removes hair. There are two types of facial hair: vellus hair and terminal hair. Vellus hair is the very fine, soft, often translucent hair on the cheeks and forehead. Terminal hairs are the more coarser, thicker, and darker hairs associated with beards and eyebrows, as well as the hairs on the scalp.

Shaving the face not only removes hair growth by cutting it off near the root, but it also removes the top layer of dead skin cells, dirt, and oil. When the primary objective of face shaving is removing dead skin for a brighter, softer complexion, the process is calleddermaplaning.

Dermaplaning Explained

Dermaplaning is a type of exfoliation. While mechanical scrubbing with a washcloth or using an Alpha Hydroxy wash likeSkinMedica Exfoliating Cleanserwill remove dulling dead skin, dermaplaning literally cuts it away, along with vellus and terminal hairs. Because dermaplaning also removes hair, the skin appears considerably brighter and smoother than it does using other exfoliating methods. It also has the advantage of delivering instant results.

Many women enjoy the results of dermaplaning even if they don’t have obvious peach fuzz. Not only does it rejuvenate the complexion, but the newly smooth, hair-free surface of the skin can also be an excellent canvas for cosmetics and give you that “glass skin” appearance. It also helps your skin absorb skin care products more efficiently.

Best of all, dermaplaning stimulates collagen production and skin cell turnover, resulting in tighter, firmer skin. What’s not to love?

Drawbacks of Face Shaving

As previously stated, shaving is among the simplest and least expensive home skin care techniques available. However,people with the following skin conditions should never attempt facial shaving or at-home dermaplaning without having a consultation with a qualified dermatologist:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Rashes/Inflammation
  • Rosacea
  • Severe acne
  • Skin cancer

While vellus hairs can give the skin a dull appearance and even trap dead skin cells, they are beneficial for people with certain skin types. Vellus hairs hold secreted oil away from the face, where it is less likely to clog pores. Some people find that shaving the hairs away triggers acne, even when breakouts hadn’t previously been a problem.

Shaving the face can also lead to the following:

  • Five o’clock shadow.Because shaving blunts the ends of terminal hairs, they can appear thicker and become more noticeable when they begin to grow back.
  • Ingrown hairs.If you have coarse or extremely curly terminal hairs, you might be susceptible to ingrown hairs, which can be painful and unsightly.
  • Skin damage.You may experience razor burns or facial cuts and nicks that become irritated or inflamed.

Are There Alternative Techniques?

Face shaving isn’t ideal for everyone (some men included). If you have sensitive skin, have thin or otherwise delicate skin, or struggle with razor burn, there are other highly effective solutions for skin brightening, exfoliation, and facial hair removal.

Laser Hair Removal

If your primary goal is getting rid of unwanted facial hair, thenlaser hair removalis your best option – particularly if you have sensitive or acne-prone skin.

Laser hair removal involves using intensive laser energy to permanently halt the growth cycle of terminal hairs. This treatment causes no damage to the surrounding tissue, so there are no marks or scars.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacingis among the best rejuvenation options for people of all skin types. This highly effective technique uses laser energy to remove the uppermost layers of skin, which allows the newer skin cells to move up to the surface. Laser skin resurfacing boosts collagen production and skin cell turnover, making skin plumper and tighter. It can also even out skin pigmentation and lessen the appearance of acne scars.

Chemical Peel

Achemical peelis an intensive exfoliation procedure that uses a deep penetrating solution on the skin to facilitate skin cell turnover and reveal healthy skin cells underneath. Chemical peels are often used for people with darker skin tones or who have skin conditions that could be aggravated by the heat of a laser.

There are numerous highly effective procedures for removing facial hair and creating a brighter, fresher complexion. If you are not sure of the best technique for your skin, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at one of our offices nearest you today!

Women’s Face Shaving: What You Need to Know (2024)


Women’s Face Shaving: What You Need to Know? ›

When shaving, hold the skin taut with one hand. Hold the razor at a 45-degree angle and gently graze the skin with short, light strokes, while applying as little pressure as possible. Always shave with the hair's grain rather than against it. Rinse the razor after each stroke.

Is it good for a woman to shave her face? ›

The practice of women shaving their faces is gaining popularity due to its potential benefits, including smoother skin, enhanced skincare routines, and improved makeup application. However, it's important to be aware of the potential downsides, such as irritation, ingrown hairs, and the need for ongoing maintenance.

Do dermatologists recommend face shaving for females? ›

Well… it depends. Women tend to have more fragile skin than men; daily shaving could cause irritation, effectively negating the cosmetic benefits. Also, there is a risk of cutting the skin, which could lead to infection.

What do I need to know about shaving my face? ›

  • Hydrate. ...
  • Apply Shaving Cream. ...
  • Check for Dull Blades. ...
  • Shave With Light, Gentle Strokes. ...
  • Rinse Your Blades Often. ...
  • Shave Both With and Against the Grain. ...
  • Edge with the Precision Trimmer. ...
  • Apply Moisturizer or Aftershave.

Will a woman grow more hair if she shaves her face? ›

No — shaving hair doesn't change its thickness, color or rate of growth. Shaving facial or body hair gives the hair a blunt tip. The tip might feel coarse or "stubbly" for a time as it grows out. During this phase, the hair might be more noticeable and perhaps appear darker or thicker.

Why shouldn't you shave peach fuzz? ›

With shaving, there is a risk of nicks and cuts and skin irritation. Use a specific peach fuzz razor, and wash and moisturise afterwards, this will greatly reduce the risk of skin irritation.

What are the disadvantages of facial hair removal? ›

Cons of face shaving for women

If you have a lot of dark hair, you may see a shadow under the skin after shaving. Ingrown hairs. Shaving off vellus hairs will not cause ingrown hairs, but shaving terminal hair can cause these painful bumps to erupt. Damage to skin.

What should I put on my face before shaving woman? ›

Apply shaving gel

Shaving gel preserves moisture and helps the razor for female face shaving glide easier across your skin. Applying shaving gel also shows where you have shaved already so you can avoid re-shaving over an area and irritating your skin.

Why does my upper lip look weird after shaving a woman? ›

Shaving the upper lip can often result in a temporary change in the color of the skin in that area . This is because shaving removes the top layer of dead skin cells , revealing the newer , lighter skin underneath .

Who should avoid face shaving? ›

However, sensitive skin might not react well to shaving, especially if you have redness or irritated skin patches. Also, shaving might not be a great idea if you have skin conditions like eczema, acne, or psoriasis. Shaving in such cases can further aggravate the condition and lead to infection.

Do I shave my face up or down as a female? ›

Shave with the direction that your hair grows, which is usually down toward your chin. This will help avoid irritation or ingrown hairs later on.

How often should a woman shave its face? ›

It's all about knowing one's hair growth cycle. A faster hair growth rate demands frequent shaving sessions, while if the hair growth is normal, shaving weekly is a good idea. Remember to keep the razors away from areas with active acne, wounds, and rashes. Facial skin is delicate and more prone to infection.

How to stop facial hair growth in females naturally? ›

losing weight if you're overweight – this can help control hormone levels. things you can do at home to remove or lighten the hair – such as shaving, waxing, plucking, hair removal creams or bleaching. a prescription cream to slow hair growth on your face (eflornithine cream)

What are the cons of shaving your face as a woman? ›

Some people find that shaving the hairs away triggers acne, even when breakouts hadn't previously been a problem. Shaving the face can also lead to the following: Five o'clock shadow. Because shaving blunts the ends of terminal hairs, they can appear thicker and become more noticeable when they begin to grow back.

Do you regret dermaplaning? ›

Disappointing Results. Another common reason people regret dermaplaning is that the results don't meet their expectations. While it creates a smooth, radiant base after treatment, the effects are temporary. The vellus hair grows back quickly, often within a week or two, requiring frequent repeat treatments.

Does shaving a woman's face cause stubble? ›

It's a common concern that shaving will make your hairs grow back thicker, darker and faster. But skincare experts say it's "a complete fallacy." Bankson says it may appear this way, because the hairs will "grow back evenly and appear to be popping up at once out of nowhere." However.

Does removing peach fuzz cause stubble? ›

Despite the myth, choosing to remove your peach fuzz does not mean it'll grow back thicker or darker with a stubble-like appearance.

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back after shaving a female? ›

With shaving, some women will see hair regrowth within 24 hours, and most will regrow hair within a few days. While the shaving may not cause hair to regrow darker and thicker, the razor's blunt cut makes will make the regrowth more obvious. Waxing is about consistency, the more you do the more the results will show.

How to stop hair growth on a woman's face? ›

Treatments for hirsutism
  1. losing weight if you're overweight – this can help control hormone levels.
  2. things you can do at home to remove or lighten the hair – such as shaving, waxing, plucking, hair removal creams or bleaching.
  3. a prescription cream to slow hair growth on your face (eflornithine cream)

Do I look better with a shaved face? ›

Some reap the benefits of shaving every day: it makes them look fresher, neater and more professional. Others gain confidence by letting their facial hair transform their looks adding sophistication, charm and creativity to their grooming routine.

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